
Ett medlemskap hos SGBC innebär ett medlemskap i World Green Building Council

SGBC är medlem i världsorganisationen World Green Building Council (WGBC) som samlar över 75 liknande organisationer världen över. På olika sätt verkar vi för en hållbar byggd miljö och söker lokala lösningar på globala problem.

Inom WGBC finns ett antal regionala nätverk. SGBC är en del av Europe Regional Network (ERN) tillsammans med ett 20-tal andra europeiska organisationer som med gemensamma krafter står starka i vårt påverkansarbete både inom EU och globalt.

Läs mer om World Green Building Council på deras hemsida.

Internationella projekt och kampanjer

Be Bold on Buildings



Buildings surround us. Yet, when planning the future, they seem to be easy to overlook.

The majority of countries still lack sustainable building codes. Some don’t even mention the building and construction sector in their climate plans (NDCs). While many more have committed only to superficial change.

Without strong, policy-backed action on this highly emitting part of the economy, building the transition to a 1.5°C-aligned world will simply be impossible.

That’s why, as we enter the 2025 update cycle for NDCs, the World Green Building Council and Green Building Council network are asking nations to level up their commitments, actions and policies.

And turn buildings from a part of the problem… into the solutions they must urgently become.

We’re calling on governments and industry to be bold on buildings.

The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment


The commitment is developed to recognise and promote advanced climate leadership action from businesses, organisations, cities and subnational governments in decarbonising the built environment, to inspire others to take similar action and remove barriers to implementation.

A bold approach is urgently required to reduce the impacts of the sector, which is globally responsible for 35% of energy consumption, 38% of energy related carbon emissions, 50% of resource consumption, and expected to double in total footprint by 2060.

The next decade of climate action is crucial. Join our growing community of signatories who are advancing net zero by taking action now to decarbonise our built environment.


More information can be found here.




We have joined together with our global network of Green Building Councils, Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment signatories, partners and other supporters to present an Open Letter to political leaders and policymakers at COP28. Through this joint action, we aim to demonstrate the critical role of the built environment in tackling global heating, champion the activity being implemented by our network, and provide a call to action for policymakers to step up and deliver the regulatory change the world needs.

Read the Open Letter in full.

Read our policy briefing paper on how to work with governments to support the implementation of a decarbonised, circular and resilient society.


More information can be found here.

Climate Change Resilience in the Built Environment guide


WorldGBC has launched an industry guide to ‘Climate Change Resilience in the Built Environment’, which supports the urgently needed global transition towards infrastructure solutions which focus on people.

We have partnered with the UN High-Level Climate Champions and C40 Cities to deliver this timely resource for enabling adaptation at different urban scales – and inspire decisive action.

This guide provides effective and practical steps that can be taken on a building, community and city scale to adapt and build resilience for everyone, everywhere.


– View the iPaper version here

– View the PDF version here

EPBD implementation support hub


To support member states, WorldGBC is working together with our Europe Regional Network of GBCs and partners to support national governments, EU policymakers, and the building and construction industry with the implementation of the EPDB.

This includes guidance and best practice examples for Member States to follow.

These tools support #BuildingLife, which aims to drive public and private sector action to tackle the whole life carbon impact of buildings and put sustainable buildings at the heart of a prosperous and equitable future for Europe.


Follow link for the online hub.

EPBD policy briefing


Life cycle global warming potential policy implementation in the EU.

Recommendations for member states and the European Commission for the preparation and overseeing of life cycle GWP policy.


See the full policy briefing here.